• PALS (Producers-at-Large) is the parent booster organization for theater activity at LFHS.

    PALS is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization. Donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Donations via membership payments are our major source of income and support LFHS Theater—a program that benefits ALL students. All PALS members will be acknowledged in this year’s programs. Thank you!
    Since it was formed in 1975, PALS has made significant financial contributions to help secure items not funded through the school’s budget, including:

    • Lighting and sound equipment
    • New curtains for the RMA
    • Mirrors for the dressing room complex
    • Body microphones
    • Forensics and TheaterFest
    • Specialized coaching for stunts, fights and dialects
    • International Thespian Society scholarships

    In addition to financial support, PALS coordinates the following activities:

    • Orders and serves dinners for cast, crew and musicians for tech and dress rehearsals for each production.
    • Coordinates orders for show t-shirts.
    • Coordinates orders for kudos to the students in the show programs.
    • Organizes parent volunteers to help with dinners, concessions and ushering for each show.
    • Plans and coordinates the year-end banquet for the theatre students together with the LFHS Chapter of the International Thespian Society (ITS).
    • In partnership with ITS, provides scholarships to graduating seniors who have demonstrated a contribution and commitment to LFHS Theater.

    All students involved in theater – actors, student directors, technical crew and audience members - benefit from the services that PALS provides.
    Please support LFHS Theater by renewing your annual membership or becoming a member of PALS for the first time! Each donation will be rewarded with a complimentary LFHS Theater/PALS car decal – if you wish to have additional decals, they are available for $5 each.Memberships run for a one-year period, from July 1 – June 30.If you join during the LFHS registration process, you are a member for that full academic year.

  • PALS  Membership Roster