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Portrait of a Learner





In Addition to Academic Excellence,
Students of Districts 65 | 67 | 115 Will Demonstrate:

Critical Thinking

  • Apply disciplined thinking that is clear, rational, open-minded, and informed by evidence.
  • Consistently improve the quality of one's thinking by skillfully analyzing, assessing, and reconstructing along the way.
  • Understand the “bigger picture” and propose solutions that are mindful of the impact they may have on other parts of a system.


  • Listen effectively to decipher meaning - including knowledge, values, attitudes, and intentions.
  • Articulate thoughts and ideas effectively using oral, written, and nonverbal communication skills in a variety of forms and contexts.
  • Use communication for a range of purposes and audiences (e.g. to inform, instruct, inspire, and persuade).


Seek to understand from another's perspective.
Listen without judgment.
Demonstrate awareness, sensitivity, concern, and respect for others' feelings, opinions, experiences, and cultures.


  • Work effectively in a climate of ambiguity and changing priorities.
  • Demonstrate flexibility and agility in thoughts and actions when acclimating to various roles and situations.
  • Respond constructively to feedback, praise, setbacks, and criticism.
  • Understand, negotiate, and balance diverse views and beliefs to reach a workable solution.


  • Value and embrace diverse cultures and unique perspectives through mutual respect and open dialogue.
  • Demonstrate personal, civic, social, local, and global responsibility through empathetic and ethical behaviors.
  • Contribute and take action to make the world a better place.


  • Believe in one's ability to ultimately attain a defined goal.
  • Persist to overcome adversity and obstacles to uncover alternate strategies and achieve goals.
  • Reflect on successes and failures as a way of refining the path forward.
  • Take initiative and act with purpose.

The Progression of Our Design

Work Force & Pace of Change
Global & Human Interaction







Deeper Learning
Competency Exploration







Graphic Representation & The Portrait in Action
Competency Discussion







What is a Portrait of a Learner?

The Portrait of a Learner process will help us develop an updated and unified vision among Districts 65, 67, and 115 for the twenty-first century competencies that Lake Forest, Lake Bluff, and Knollwood students need to succeed in college, career, and beyond. Our Districts share the common aspiration for all students to have a K-12 educational experience that prepares them to thrive in their future lives.

What is the Portrait Process and Timeline?

Over the course of five months, a Design Team was selected and announced. They met four times over March, April, and May to analyze landscape shifts and ask:

  • What are the hopes, dreams, and aspirations that our community has for our students?
  • What are the skills and mindsets our students need for success in this rapidly changing, complex world?
  • What are the implications for the design of the learning experiences—and equitable access to those experiences — we provide in our school systems?

The Districts are partnering with the non-profit Battelle for Kids who will help facilitate this process for our Districts as follows:

  • January 10 - January 21, 2022: Form a Design Team of 100-150 individuals of representatives of various stakeholder groups to create the Portrait. The following groups will be represented:
    • February 3 - May 3, 2022: Engage Design Team members in collaboration, discussion about the traits and skills that District 67, District 115 and District 65 students will need the most to be successful in adult life.
    • June 2022: Create a visual representation of the finalized traits and share at the end of the school year. The end deliverable will guide our strategic planning process and will serve as a North star for the District.



History of the Senior Star



  Click on the cover above to explore the publication.

  For more information on the history of the Senior Star, please read "LFHS: Back in Time," an article by Morgan Bielski
  that was published in the Forest Scout.