Back-to-School Information 2024-2025
Dear LFHS Families,
Welcome to a new school year! Our staff and teachers are working hard to make sure that this is a year to remember! Lake Forest High School is a special place full of special people, and we are looking forward to coming back together again. I have a lot of information to share with you–sit back and get comfortable– you may even want to bookmark this for future reference as well!
Go Scouts–let’s make this a year to remember!
Dr. Erin Lenart
LFHS Principal
- Anaphylaxis and Food Allergies Response Committee Update and Handbook
- Attendance
- Information for Incoming Freshmen - Class of 2028!
- Mark Your Calendar - Upcoming Events
- Master Assessment Calendar
- Registration Information
- School Newsletter - How We Communicate with You!
- Student Dining
- Student Schedule / Course Change Requests
- Student Supports
- Supporting Our Parent Partners
- Textbook/MacBook Pickup Information
Anaphylaxis and Food Allergies Response Committee Update and Handbook
We’d like to provide you with an update regarding our Anaphylaxis and Food Allergies Response Committee and handbook. School districts in Illinois are required by ISBE to update anaphylaxis and food allergy guidelines every three years. Last spring, we invited community members, staff, and administrators from District 67 and District 115 to participate on the Anaphylaxis and Food Allergies Response Plan Committee. Beginning in May and throughout the summer, a group of 20-30 met three times to review and revise the document. We are sharing the near-final draft of the handbook, HERE.
For District 115, the most notable changes emerging from this effort are twofold:
1.) Peanut and tree-nut free classrooms
2.) The increased availability of undesignated epinephrine injectors (epi-pens) in Lake Forest High School.
Below are the major highlights specific to the high school setting:
Lake Forest High School Classroom Avoidance Measures
Classrooms should not be used as a lunchroom to the maximum extent possible.
If snacks are allowed in the classroom, all classrooms will be peanut and tree-nut free.
Students should not bring food to share with their classmates in the classroom.
Teachers should not provide food as a reward in the classroom if students with life-threatening allergies are in the class. All desks should be wiped down at the end of the class period when food or snacks are consumed.
Classroom curriculum should be adapted to substitute non-food items to the maximum extent possible.
Curriculum materials should be reviewed for sources of the common big nine allergens and the big nine allergens should be avoided (i.e., allergens are sometimes found in counting aids, science projects, seasonal activities such as garden projects, art materials, etc.) to the maximum extent possible.
Students and teachers are encouraged to wipe surfaces such as desks, lab equipment, computer keyboards and musical instruments after food is eaten in the classrooms.
Further information is available in this District 115 anaphylaxis and food allergy response summary.
Please contact Dr. Jenny Sterpin ( with questions. Thank you!
Absences are reported via the PowerSchool Parent Portal. Once you have navigated to the PowerSchool Parent Portal site, log in using your username and password for your parent access account.
Reporting Attendance
Please click the video link below for instructions on how to report your student’s attendance via the Parent Portal.
Attendance Monitor-Parent Portal Reporting Attendance
Attendance Monitor - Parent Portal (Spanish)
Please refer to the LFHS 2024-2025 Student Family Handbook for detailed information regarding attendance.
Information for Incoming Freshmen - Class of 2028!
Freshman Orientation on Tuesday, August 20 is the first official day of school for all Freshmen.
We look forward to seeing you!
Your Link Crew Coordinators,
Maggie Harmsen
Rebecca Inukai
Mark Your Calendar - Upcoming Events
A Welcome Night for Families New to Our Communities
Master Assessment Calendar
Information regarding assessments, including PSAT, SAT, ACT, and College Board AP can be found on our website. Please use this link to view upcoming dates and additional information.
Registration Information
Online registration and fee payment information for the 2024-25 school year was sent to continuing families in May. At that time, parents/guardians received a personalized SnapCode email to access online registration and fee payments through InfoSnap. For help or additional information, please call (847) 604-7437 or email or
If online registration and fee payments have not yet been completed, you will need to do so prior to August 10 in order for your student to attend Textbook and MacBook Pick Up on August 15 and 16
New Families
All families who have completed pre-registration and verification of residency and enrollment will receive a SnapCode email to complete their online registration and pay fees for the school year. For help or additional information, please call (847) 604-7437 or email or
School Newsletter - How We Communicate with You!
The Friday Fanout is our weekly communication from your principal, Dr. Lenart.
We organize information and celebrations under two headings: Need to Know and Nice to Know. Please be on the lookout for our first Fanout!
If you have a celebration or a contribution, please email those to or We are excited to include as much as possible, but with so much going on, we need all the community support we can get!
Parents/guardians will also receive our bi-weekly District newsletter (411 on 115), which includes information, news, and upcoming events.
Parent/guardians are subscribed to receive all school and District newsletters and announcements using the email addresses provided during online registration. You do not need to subscribe!
Student Dining
The Scout Café is the main area to get a variety of wholesome scratch-made food items. It is open at 7:00am to 9:00am for breakfast and opens back up at 10:30am until 1:00pm for lunch. You can see the monthly menu posted for food service on the Lake Forest High School website. The Grind is a full-service coffee shop that also serves food. The Grind operates 7:30am until 3:30pm.
Students will need to use their school ID to make any purchases. If a student forgets their ID, they must go to the Technology Help Desk (located in the basement) to get a new one. Replacement IDs cost $10. If a student has not yet received their student ID, they will be able to pick it up on their first day of school.
Parents/guardians, please go to to add funds to your student’s meal account so they can purchase items in our two locations. You can also send a check or cash with your student and we can add it to their account at the register. There is also a help video link for first time users: We will accept cash and have the ability to enter the students' ID number (in an emergency), but this will be at one register only. Students need to have their ID.
Parents will also be able to view the monthly menu at Menus may change, based on the availability of items.
For additional information, please visit the Food Services page.
Student Schedule / Course Change Requests
On Scout Days (Monday, Tuesday, Friday), school starts at 8:15am. On Blue and Gold Days (Wednesday, Thursday), school starts at 9am.
Student Schedule Information
Student Schedules were emailed to registered students on July 25, 2023. While each student's schedule should reflect the courses that they selected in the spring, LFHS reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the order of courses and, potentially, the teachers of those courses until the schedule change request window closes on Tuesday, August 1.
If there is an error in the class schedule or students are requesting a change, please access the Schedule Change Request form here. Prior to requesting a correction, it is important to review the list of closed courses using this link: Closed Courses 23-24. These classes are already filled to capacity.
Schedule Change Request forms must be submitted by Tuesday, August 1 at 8:00 PM. Any changes we can accommodate will be available for viewing on August 10 in PowerSchool. The link to PowerSchool can be found here. Students are expected to attend the classes that are listed on the schedules handed out at Textbook Pick-Up, and posted in PowerSchool after August 10.
Student Supports
Tiered supports are based on the premise that there are supports that all students need (like rigorous instruction and compassionate teachers), supports that some students need (like executive function tutoring and reading support classes), and supports that a few students need (like attendance plans and behavioral contracts).
It’s the job of the tiered support team to make a careful consideration of each student as a unique learner and determine the interventions that are most likely to address their needs. Tiered interventions are always progress monitored, and students may be elevated to a more intensive support or exited from supports altogether based on the effectiveness of their intervention plan. Students who exit the tiered intervention program continue to be monitored and may reenter the program if the need arises. For more information on student supports.
Please use this link for additional information, or contact the MTSS/RTI coordinator, David Hain.
Supporting Our Parent Partners
Get involved. A great way to build community is to be a part of it. Please consider joining our APT, supporting the LFHS Foundation, and/or being a part of PALS, Applause, or Boosters. The time, talent, and treasure that each one of these organizations gives to Lake Forest High School is absolutely amazing, and we are so lucky to partner with each one of them.
Applause is the music booster organization for Lake Forest High School. Applause promotes and supports LFHS curricular and extra-curricular music programs, recognizes student achievement and provides funding.
Association of Parents and Teachers (APT)
The Lake Forest High School APT promotes cooperative action among Lake Forest High School, the administration and teachers, its students, the parents, and the community. The APT sponsors school-based enrichment programs that benefit all LFHS students and coordinates parent volunteers.
Our MISSION at LFHS Boosters is to promote and support athletic success, spirit and sportsmanship for every student-athlete and every Scouts fan at Lake Forest High School.
The Lake Forest High School Foundation is dedicated to supporting, enriching, and enhancing the LFHS experience for all students, faculty, and staff by investing in educational excellence. Since 2002, the LFHS Foundation has awarded more than 300 grants, investing over $2.5 million. Foundation grants transform learning spaces, provide cutting-edge technology, create collaborative learning spaces, support unique learning opportunities for students and staff, supply world-class curricular materials across all departments and more.
Producers-at-Large (PALS)
PALS is the parent booster organization for the LFHS theater department. PALS provides funding and recognizes student achievement.
Textbook/MacBook Pickup Information
Textbook and MacBook Pickup
Students will attend Textbook Pickup in the Library, located at Lake Forest High School East Campus, 1285 N. McKinley Rd. at the times listed below according to the first initial of the student's last name.
Thursday, August 15
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
M - Z
Friday, August 16
8:30 AM - 11:30 AM
12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
Expectations for this Event
- All students will pick up their schedule, textbooks, student ID, and MacBook. Students must retrieve their own MacBooks as it is necessary for them to login, setup, and be trained on the functions of the devices. District issued MacBooks will be required to access course materials, complete testing, and access our network. If you are unable to attend the above pick-up schedule, please contact Frank Lesniak to arrange an alternate time at
- Locker information will be included on your textbook pick-up schedule and access to lockers will be permitted.
- Students who have senior parking will be able to pick up their parking pass.
Please use this link for additional information.