School and Emergency Closings
Should severe weather or other emergency situation require District 67 schools to close, parents/guardians will be notified using the BrightArrow Notification System, through an emergency alert message posted on the District website and all school pages. You may also check or listen for an announcement from 6:30 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. on the following radio stations: WGN (720 AM), and WBBM (780 AM), and the following TV stations: CBS, ABC, NBC, WGN, FOX and CLTV News. Our official title is Lake Forest School District 67.
Emergency Late Start
If the District determines a late start is needed due to inclement weather or other emergency situation, parents/guardians will be notified using the BrightArrow Notification System and through an emergency alert message posted on the District website and all school pages. Schools will begin two hours later than usual. Buses will run regular morning routes two hours later than the originally scheduled times. Dismissal times and afternoon bus routes and times will remain as originally scheduled. Morning PreK (Community of Learners Preschool) will be cancelled. (See School Hours for more information.)
BrightArrow Notification System
The BrightArrow system is the primary means of notification by the district and will be utilized to notify all households and parents within minutes of an emergency or unplanned event that causes an early dismissal, school cancellation, or a late start. An alert will be sent using the contact information you provided when you registered your student for school (during InfoSnap online registration). If you wish to receive notification using other devices, you must update your profile by logging into the BrightArrow website. (For instructions, please click on the link below.)
Emergency School Closing / eLearning
District 67 follows a plan whenever there is consideration of a school or emergency closing, or holding a remote learning day due to inclement weather conditions. In the event of a weather emergency, District 67 has allocated two traditional days of non-instruction (what we have historically referred to as "snow days") for students and staff. Should conditions require school closure beyond those two days, the State of Illinois now allows for eLearning days in lieu of traditional snow days.
District 67’s first priority is the safety of our students, staff, and parents. The decision to close our schools, or adjust our start or dismissal times for an emergency-related situation is a complicated one and based on a number of factors.
Although the District uses the following sources to guide the decision, the Superintendent and District Administrators will make the final call to close school.
- NOAA National Weather Service (NWA) updates and Wind Chill report.
- Local weather forecast services.
- Local law enforcement and city agencies.
- Reports from our bus company.
- Reports from our Buildings/Grounds staff.
- Conversations with neighboring school district administrators.
Road conditions and the possibility of dangerously unsafe temperatures are the main factors that drive the decision. If we need to close or delay the start of school, parents will be notified using our BrightArrow Notification System and through postings on our website.
For winter weather health and safety information, visit the CDC website.
Severe Cold Response Plans
Wind Chill Warning
Schools will be closed under the condition of a WIND CHILL WARNING. A wind chill warning indicates that life-threatening conditions and a risk to safety exists. Measures should be taken to safeguard life and property immediately. A wind chill warning is typically issued when the wind chill will be -30°F or colder OR the actual air temperature is -15°F or less.
Severe Cold School Closure: Wind Chill Warning
- Classes will be cancelled and school closure protocols will be instituted.
- All notification systems will be leveraged to send school cancellation communications to families.
- Extracurricular activities will be suspended while the wind chill warning is in effect.
Wind Chill Advisory
A WIND CHILL ADVISORY is issued when conditions do not meet the wind chill warning criteria but still cause significant inconvenience. The weather during a wind chill advisory is not life threatening but presents conditions that may result in inconveniences or pose moderate risk to safety. A wind chill advisory is typically issued when the wind chill is -20°F to -29°F OR the actual air temperature is -5°F to -14°F.
Severe Cold Action: Wind Chill Advisory
- Schools will be open and student attendance is expected.
- Extracurricular activities will be evaluated and may be suspended if conditions persist.
- All outdoor student activities will be suspended.
- Any evacuation drills scheduled will be cancelled and rescheduled to a more weather-appropriate day.
The National Weather Service will be the meteorological source to determine and declare a wind chill warning or wind chill advisory.
Guidelines for Outdoor Recess
District 67 has a general guideline that students will go outside if the temperature is 15°F or higher. However, we also take other factors into account (wind chill, frostbite index, sunshine) in making the daily determination. If the sun is shining and the wind speed is low, we may send students out when the air temperature is slightly below 15°F. We also have the option of shortening the time students spend outside if needed. During winter months, always have your children dress for outdoor weather (coat, snow pants, gloves, hat, and boots).
What factors might cause schools to be closed?
District 67’s first priority is the safety of our students, staff, and parents/guardians. Road conditions and the possibility of dangerously unsafe temperatures are the main factors that drive the decision to close our schools.
How does the District make the decision to close school?
Although the District uses the following sources to guide the decision, the Superintendent and District Administrators will make the final call to close school.- NOAA National Weather Service (NWA) updates and Wind Chill report.
- Local weather forecast services.
- Local law enforcement and city agencies.
- Reports from our bus company.
- Reports from our Buildings/Grounds staff.
- Conversations with neighboring school district administrators.
How does wind chill impact the decision?
A WIND CHILL WARNING indicates that life-threatening conditions and a risk to safety exists. A wind chill warning is typically issued when the wind chill will be -30°F or colder OR the actual air temperature is -15°F or less. Schools will be closed under the condition of a WIND CHILL WARNING.
The National Weather Service (NWA) will be the meteorological source to determine and declare a wind chill warning or wind chill advisory.
When will the decision to close be made?
We try to make this decision before 6:00 a.m. whenever possible. In the case of severe weather conditions, the decision could be made the evening before.
How will families be notified of a school closing?
The BrightArrow system is the primary means of notification by the District and will be utilized to notify all households and parents of a school closing. An alert will be sent using the contact information you provided when you registered your student for school (during InfoSnap online registration). If you wish to receive a notification using other devices, you must update your profile by logging into the BrightArrow website. (For instructions, please click on the link below.)
Are after-school and extracurricular activities canceled if school is canceled?
Yes, in the event of a school closure, all school activities scheduled for that day are also canceled.
If school is not closed due to weather conditions, will students be allowed outside during recess?
If the District is under a wind chill advisory (typically issued when the wind chill is -20°F to -29°F OR the actual air temperature is -5°F to -14°F) all outdoor student activities will be suspended.
District 67 has a general guidelines that students will go outside if the temperature is 15°F or higher. However, we also take other factors into account (wind chill, frostbite index, sunshine) in making the daily determination. If the sun is shining and the wind speed is low, we may send students out when the air temperature is slightly below 15°F. We also have the option of shortening the time students spend outside if needed. During winter months, always have your children dress for outdoor weather (coat, snow pants, gloves, hat, and boots).
Additional questions?
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your school office.
Closing information is also posted on the District website and available through the following media.
- Website:
- Radio: WGN (720 AM), and WBBM (780 AM)
Our official title is Lake Forest School District 67.