Back-to-School Information 2024-2025
Helpful Information
- Community Information
- Health Reminders
- Important Bus Route Information
- iPad Swap and Pickup
- School Lunch
- School Newsletters - How We Communicate with You!
- School Supplies
- Supporting Our Parent Partners
Community Information
Community information and programs will be posted throughout the school year on our school homepages, and in the school and District newsletters.
To view these opportunities, please also visit the Green Backpack.
Health Reminders
A physical exam recorded on the Certificate of Child Health Examination form must be completed within one year prior to kindergarten, sixth grade, and for new students entering the District from another state or country. All immunizations must be completed and up to date according to the schedule of the Illinois Department of Public Health. The exam must be completed within one year of entering school at the required grade.
All children entering kindergarten, second, and sixth grade are required to have a dental examination. A vision examination is required for all students entering kindergarten or an Illinois public school for the first time.
For more information, please review the State of Illinois Health Requirements. You may also find this information and required forms by visiting the Health Services webpage.
Health forms must be submitted to your student's school nurse.
Sport Physicals are required each year for students who are participating in any interscholastic or intramural sports at DPM. It is required that the physical examination form be completed before tryouts. Parents and students are also required to review and return a signed copy of the Concussion Information Form if the student is participating in any interscholastic sports.
Medication at School
District 67 policy authorizes the administration of “only those medications which are necessary to maintain a student in school and must be given during school hours or school activities.” With few exceptions, medications
given at school, prescription or non-prescription, must be accompanied by a written authorization signed by a licensed prescriber and a parent/guardian.
If your child requires medication during the 2023-2024 school year, please have your physician complete the District 67 Medication Authorization form. Medicine cannot be given at school without this form on file.
Click Here for the School Medication Authorization Form.
If your child requires emergency medication for allergies during the school year, please have your physician complete the FARE Food Allergy & Anaphylaxis Emergency Care Plan.
Click Here for the Food Allergy Emergency Care Plan
Return all completed forms and prescribed medication to the school nurse at the beginning of the school year.
Important Bus Route Information
Bus routes are set by our transportation provider, Olson Transportation and District 67. To aid in the efficiency of routes and ensure that students are transported to school in a timely manner, the majority of the stops are corner stops.
Bus routes will be emailed to parents/guardians before the start of the school year, and will be securely accessible throughout the school year using an app on each student's District-issued iPad.
Routes are subject to minor time changes due to adding or deleting riders, so please check routes often during the first few days of school.
Bus service is purchased during online registration. If you missed the registration window, you may still register and pay for bus service through the District Web Store (RevTrak), but we can not guarantee your child will be assigned a route before the first day of school. Your child may need to use the closest stop to your home until they are assigned to a route. For questions regarding bus registration, please contact Natalia Martinez,
Please Note: No transportation refunds will be issued after September 30th.
Transportation FAQ
iPad Swap and Pickup
No Appointment Needed!
Please come to the Deer Path Middle School Back Patio Door on one of these dates:
- August 16, 8:00 am - 10:00 am
- August 20, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
Incoming 5th Grade Students
Fifth grade students who will be attending DPM are required to please bring back your District issued iPad to swap for a new iPad. You'll be excited to receive the new keyboard case with a new iPad.
Be sure to upload anything from your camera roll to Google photos before you come and bring the following:
- Charger ($30)
- iPad ($300)
- Logitech crayon ($50)
Device Repair/Replacement Fees
If the device, case, charger, or other accessories are stolen, lost, mistreated, or damaged beyond normal usage, the student/parent(s) is/are responsible for the cost of the replacement or repair. If you leave the District and you do not return the device upon leaving the District, you will be charged for all items not returned. No loaner iPads will be given. Students must be responsible for their devices.
Students New to the District in Grades 2-8
Come pick up your District issued iPad.
NOTE: All kindergarten and 1st grade students will be receiving their District issued iPads during the first 2 weeks of school.
School Lunch
All District 67 students attending school during the lunch period eat in the school lunchroom under supervision. Students may bring their lunch from home or purchase a lunch. The lunch program begins on the first full day of school and is in operation each full day school is in session. Menus are posted online or can be viewed by downloading the FD MealPlaner App to access Weekly Menus (please scan the code below to download the App).
Elementary students may order the meal listed on their monthly school menu. Deer Path Middle School students can select either the meal listed on their monthly school menu, or the "a la carte" selections.
Load funds to your MySchoolBucks dining account for easy transactions.
The official payment software for your school is MySchoolBucks (, which allows you to add funds to your student's account, set-up automatic replenishments, and receive notifications. Keeping this balance positive is an important way to create a seamless dining experience for your student, and setting up an account allows you to view the details of your student's dining transactions.
Students in our elementary schools make their lunch selection in homeroom each morning. At lunch, each student will locate their student ID in the cafeteria and the cashier will debit their account after service.
Deer Path Middle School students will swipe their student ID at the lunch line, the cashier will verify the student’s picture and the account will be debited. We are encouraging all middle school students to be responsible with their IDs, but if one is forgotten or lost, ID numbers and names can be searched on the computerized Point of Sale (POS) system to ensure the student has lunch for that day. Replacement IDs can be issued in the middle school office – the first replacement is free, but subsequent ones will cost $5 each.
The District's “charge” system will be implemented when your student's account is overdrawn at Deer Path. If your student’s account is overdrawn, they will not be allowed to purchase à la carte items such as beverages, chips and snacks. We will allow students to purchase a meal regardless of balance (this is for elementary and middle school). We suggest you set up auto payments and/or low balance alerts, so your account does not go negative.
For additional information, please visit the Food Services page.
School Newsletters - How We Communicate with You!
Building-Level Newsletters: Every Friday, each school disseminates an end-of-the-week newsletter with celebrations and important information from administrators, parent organizations, and community events to school households.
District Newsletters: The District sends out the "411 on 67" newsletter biweekly.
District 67 families are subscribed to receive District and Building-Level communications and newsletters upon completion of enrollment using the emails provided during online registration. If your information changes, please contact your school.
School Supplies
School supplies are not included in the student fees. Supply lists can be accessed by visiting the Registration page of the District website or can be downloaded below.
School Supply Lists 2024-2025 School Year
NOTE: Teachers may request additional supplies, and supplies may need to be replenished throughout the school year.
Supporting Our Parent Partners
Association of Parents and Teachers (APT)
The core mission of the District 67 Association of Parents and Teachers (APT) is to promote good communication and cooperative working relationships among the community, school and home. The group works to enhance the educational experience of all District 67 students through school-based programs, organized and implemented by dedicated parent volunteers. These programs are predominantly funded by APT dues.
APT membership is different from donating to the Spirit of 67 Foundation. The Spirit of 67 Foundation is the fundraising arm for District 67 and works alongside the APT to help fund enrichment opportunities for the children, teachers, and parents.
Please support the District 67 APT and our myriad of wonderful programs that enrich the educational experience of all students with a $40.00 family membership. Included with membership is access to our new continuously updated online directory, as well as one complimentary copy of our print directory.
If you did not purchase an APT membership during online registration, please use this link!
The Spirit of 67 Foundation - Enhancing the Education of Every Student in Every School, Every Day
The Spirit of 67 Foundation is a not-for-profit, parent-run volunteer organization whose mission is to raise funds and acquire resources to enrich and elevate the educational and cultural experiences of students, faculty, parents and staff of District 67 in ways that might not otherwise be provided.
Established over 35 years ago, the Spirit has, to date, awarded over 635 grants totaling over $5 million providing curricular enhancements, resources & tools that support excellence in our public schools.
With your donation, the Spirit funds many grants across all four D67 schools so that a student’s educational experience is enriched beyond what tax dollars pay for. In the course of a school day, students benefit from grants in fine arts, wellness, language arts, math, STEAM, emotional wellness, science, social studies, world language and more.
If you did not donate during online registration, please use this link!
Back to School Events
- All District APT and Spirit Events!
- Cherokee Elementary School
- Deer Path Middle School
- Everett Elementary School
- Sheridan Elementary School
All District APT and Spirit Events!
All-District D67 APT 2024-2025 Kickoff
- Thursday, September 12, 9:30 am – 11:00am
Spirit of 67 Home and Garden Tour on Thursday, September 26!
Mark your calendars for the Spirit of 67 20th Home & Garden Tour on September 26, 2024! This milestone event will be a special celebration marking the 20th anniversary of this spectacular tour. We promise you an unforgettable experience that you won't want to miss.
More information coming soon!
Cherokee Elementary School
The dates listed below are current as of August 9,2024. Please always check your school website for the latest news and events, and subscribe to your school calendars.
The start of the school year is almost here, and we have a lot of fun APT events in store! Mark your calendars for these Cherokee APT activities that will kick off the school year!
Kindergarten Playdate - Wednesday, August 14th from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm on the Cherokee playground
New Family Night - Thursday, August 15th at 5:30 pm at Cherokee School. *This event is for families new to Cherokee with incoming 1st-4th graders.*
Kindergarten Playdate - Monday, August 26th at 9:30 am (after walk-through) at Waveland Park
Kindergarten Parents BooHoo Coffee - Thursday, August 29th at 8:00am on Cherokee Playground
Back-to-School Family Picnic - Friday, September 6th from 4:30-6:30pm on Cherokee Playground
First Cherokee APT Meeting - Wednesday, September 18th at 9:30 am
Deer Path Middle School
The dates listed below are current as of July 30, 2024. Please always check your school website for the latest news and events, and subscribe to your school calendars.
Important Dates
New Student Placement Testing
August 7-16
New Family Orientation for PARENTS will be held on August 8 from 10:00 am - 11:00 am in the Cube at DPM. If you park in the front side lot, you can enter through Cube Doors. Look for the balloons! Incoming 5th Grade Families with Support Services Orientation will be held on August 8, 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm
The staff and students of Deer Path Middle School invite all incoming fifth grader STUDENTS to Fifth Grade Orientation sponsored by the WEB (Where Everybody Belongs) Program! We will welcome our incoming 5th graders on August 16, 2024, from 9:00 am - 11:00 am
The 8th-grade WEB Leaders will guide the new 5th graders in fun activities that are designed to build positive relationships and help with the transition to DPM. Drop-off and pick-up will be in the rear of the building. For more information, please contact Ken Smith at
Mark your calendars for these upcoming APT events!
Join us for the September APT Meeting - Tuesday, September 17, 9:00 a.m. coffee, 9:30 a.m. meeting, Haskins. All are welcome!
Everett Elementary School
The dates listed below are current as of August 4, 2024. Please always check your school website for the latest news and events, and subscribe to your school calendars.
The start of the school year is almost here! Mark your Calendars.
The Everett APT is looking forward to seeing you at these Great Events…
- Everett APT’s First meeting at Everett Library- September 18th at 6:30 pm.
Sheridan Elementary School
The dates listed below are current as of August 14, 2024. Please always check your school website for the latest news and events, and subscribe to your school calendars.
Mark your calendars for these Sheridan APT activities that will kick off the school year!
New Family Coffee & Tour - Thursday, August 15th 9:15am at Sheridan School
Kindergarten Playdate - Monday, August 26th, 9:30 am (after walk-through) at West Park
Kindergarten Parents BooHoo Coffee - Thursday, August 29th, 8:15 am, patio/courtyard behind Starbucks
Back to School Bash - Friday, September 6th 5:30-7:00 at Sheridan School
September Sheridan APT Meeting - Wednesday, September 18th 9:00 am in the IRC