Thank You Donors!
Thank you to the many District 67 families and community members for their generous donations in support of students!
The Spirit of 67's Fiscal Year runs from July 1 to June 30
Crosstown Challenge
Our families in Lake Forest District 67 make up the largest segment of contributions received. In 2018, the Spirit created the Crosstown Contest to raise awareness of the Spirit’s mission, the grants awarded at each school, which, in turn, would lead to an increase of family participation.
The contest sets aside a total of $7,500, which includes a base contest prize of $1,000 per campus and a “holiday” bonus of $500 if the goal is reached by December 31. The five (5) campus locations are Cherokee, Everett, Sheridan, DPM-East and DPM-West.
As an added component of this contest, and to celebrate family participation, the school with the highest participation by Grant Day will receive the engraved traveling trophy & a popsicle party for the students!
For School Year 2023-24, the Crosstown Competition WINNER is:
After receiving a donation from 85.7% of its families, CHEROKEE pulled ahead and was declared the winner of the 2023-2024 Crosstown Competition!
It was an extremely close race with Everett (83.1%) and Sheridan (83.0%) so close behind. We are immensely grateful for every donor! Your donations show that you recognize the work we do to bring enhancements to every district 67 school and enrich every one of our students’ education! Thank you!
Partners In Education
Thanks to the generous support of our families and our community, the Spirit of 67 Foundation is able to make lasting, powerful and impactful enhancements to our children’s education. Partners In Education is for those community partners and businesses that believe in our mission and are interested in partnering with us at donatation levels of $5,000 or more. As a Partner In Education, you will receive recognition throughout the year at all of our events and in major communications.
Sponsors in our Community
We rely on the support of our community as well in our fundraising efforts. Offering corporations, local businesses and families a variety of ways to show their support for our schools allows them to choose the giving opportunity that best fits their needs. We hope you will consider contributing in some way this year. If you are interested in supporting the Spirit as a Partner in Education, a sponsor, or an advertiser, please fill out our online interest form or email us at