Health Services

  • School Nurses

    District 67 provides a health office equipped for first aid treatment in each school building. Certified School Nurses and Registered Nurses provide health care in these offices.

    Cherokee Elementary School
    Judith Flaherty, MSN, RN, PEL-CSN
    847- 604-7478
    Submit Your Cherokee Health Forms

    Everett Elementary School
    Kathleen Shalala, RN
    Submit Your Everett Health Forms

    Sheridan Elementary School
    Charlene Fritz-Brennan, RN
    Submit Your Sheridan Health Forms

    Deer Path Middle School East - Grades 5/6
    Hannah Clouse RN
    Submit Your Deer Path East Forms

    Deer Path Middle School West - Grades 7/8
    Heather Egenthal, RN
    Submit Your Deer Path West Forms

    District Certified Nurse
    Tania Gastelum BSN, RN, PEL-CSN

    Please remember to notify your school office if your contact information changes so your school nurse can keep you informed of any health concerns, and to insure your student's health record and emergency form are up to date.

Reporting an Absence

  • Parent/Guardians: Report absences using your PowerSchool parent portal account through your computer, or by using the full website (not the app) on your phone.
    Instructions on how to set up your parent portal account and/or how to submit student attendance can be found HERE.
    If you have questions, please contact our Technology Support Team members:  
    Shauna Buday  
    Julie Patrick

    How do I know if my child is sick enough to stay home from school?

    Please use your best judgement or contact your child's physician. Children who appear ill before school should not be sent to school so that your child will be available for learning, and to control communicable disease in school.

    Please keep your child at home: 
    1. Until free of fever for 24 hours without the aid of fever-reducing medications. (Fever is a temperature 100.0 or higher.)
    2. Until free of vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours.
    3. Until after 24 hours on a prescribed antibiotic treatment regime. 

Medical Forms and Reports