Early Childhood Screening

  • District 67 offers an early childhood behavioral and developmental screening for families with children aged 3- 5 years old residing within District 67 school boundaries. This screening is free of charge.
    Early childhood developmental screening provides an opportunity for young children and their families to access a wide variety of services and early childhood programs, and promotes and supports parent/guardians understanding of their child's health, development, and learning needs. If you have any concerns about your child’s development, please sign up for a screening appointment by using this form.
    Screenings are offered on the following dates:
    - Tuesday, September 20
    - Tuesday, October 18
    - Tuesday, November 15
    - Tuesday,  December 13
    - Tuesday, January 24
    - Tuesday, February 28
    - Tuesday, March 21
    - Tuesday, April 25
    Each date offers three session times; 8:00 am, 9:00 am, and 10:00 am.
    Once you sign-up for a screening session, your appointment will be confirmed by Brittany Moccia at bmoccia@lfschools.net.