• Emergency Situation Notification/Alert Information

    Since the nature and scope of emergencies affecting the school can vary, classes are not automatically canceled for every emergency situation. To improve communication and understanding, parents and guardians are encouraged to:  

    • During an emergency situation, please remain accessible and monitor your phone.
    • Update the contact numbers provided to the school.
    • Don't call the school during an emergency. Phone lines need to remain open for emergency communication.
    • Depending on the situation, access to the school campus may be restricted for an extended period of time.
    • Do not permit your child to leave campus without being signed out through the Attendance Office.

    BrightArrow Notification System

    The BrightArrow system is the primary means of notification by the Districts and will be utilized in the event of an emergency or weather-related closing. An alert will be sent to the primary phone number you provided when you first registered with the Districts. Maintaining the accuracy of your profile by contacting your school office if your information changes will increase the ability of the school to keep you informed.

    Parents/guardians will receive information through the BrightArrow Notification System, using the contact information provided during online registration. Additionally, emergency alert messages will be posted on the District website and all school pages.


    Please note that announcements will only be made in the event of school closures. No announcements will be issued to confirm that schools will be open.


    If you wish to review or modify your notification settings in BrightArrow, please consult the information below.




    In the event that your contact information is incorrect, please promptly notify your school office.

    Emergency Release/Dismissal

    In most cases, parents will be allowed to pick up their children at the school building, unless public safety officials have restricted access to the campus. In the event of restricted access, you will be directed to the designated reunification site. Upon arrival, a parent, or other person listed as an emergency contact, will be asked to complete a Student Release Form before the student(s) is released to their parent/guardian/emergency contact.